WTF! Its November 2 already and National Novel Writing Month has already started yesterday and I haven't even written a single word and updated my Counter. Oh, joy! Panic all over. That's 1,667 words wasted yesterday and an addition to the 30 day 50,o00 word marathon count on my part. Geez. In all honesty, yesterday, I did not have a laptop ready on hand to crank up the daily word quota and to top it all off, I have homely chores to settle and being that it was November 1, All Saints Day, we had to go to the cemetery to pay respects to our loved ones. So, by the end of yesterday I was spent and submit myself to oblivion, i.e. sleep. And now, I am at the office and making this blog entry instead of doing the word count thing. Reasons, reasons, reasons, piling up. Should I back out on this?